Our team

Loucas M. Ellinas​

Președinte Fundația Chronolink

Loucas M. Ellinas


”Our mission is focused on empowering autistic children to flourish. We strive to create a world, where their unique challenges and skills are met with understanding, sympathy and support. Our efforts encompasses raising awareness, offering financial aid for essential therapies as well as fostering social integration and ensuring that these children will grow up, alongside their peers in harmony and away from prejudice.”


„Misiunea noastră se concentrează pe susținerea copiilor cu autism astfel încât aceștia să își atingă potențialul maxim. Ne străduim să creăm o lume în care provocările și abilitățile lor unice sunt întâmpinate cu înțelegere, simpatie și sprijin. Eforturile noastre cuprind creșterea gradului de conștientizare, oferirea de ajutor financiar pentru terapii esențiale, precum și promovarea integrării sociale și asigurarea faptului că acești copii vor crește, alături de semenii lor, în armonie și departe de prejudecăți.”

Ovidiu Ursu

Director Fundația Chronolink

Ovidiu Ursu

My name is Ovidiu Ursu and I am honored to serve as the Director of the Chronolink Foundation. With over five years of experience working in the NGO sector, I’ve been privileged to manage and execute numerous impactful projects that have improved the lives of individuals and communities in need. In this role, I’m committed to furthering the mission of the Chronolink Foundation: to transform and uplift our community through focused initiatives, and to form long-lasting partnerships to support those who need it most. Each day, I’m driven by the potential to make a real, tangible difference in the lives of the children and families we serve. I look forward to working with our dedicated team and generous partners to continue pushing boundaries, executing projects with impact, and fostering a supportive community that leaves no child behind.